Scientists and Researchers
Why Use FloraPulse for your experiments:
Realtime, continuous water potential data
Can last 1+ years installed in the same tree
Easy 30-minute installationValidated in many crops
Stop the pressure bombing hassle
Eliminate safety hazards with high pressure in Scholander chamber
Receive the data automatically online with easy download
New sensor, new data, new research, new discoveries.
How It Works:
The FloraPulse system involves a microchip tensiometer that is embedded inside the tree's woody tissue and directly measures the stem water potential. This microtensiometer has a measurement range of up to -35 bars of tension, a feat made possible by the use of nanoporous silicon membrane. The membrane pores are around 2nm in diameter–very small indeed.
We have spent over 10 years refining the design of the sensor and installation method to ensure accurate measurement in a variety of crops. Our system uses a combination of physical and chemical barriers to eliminate issues with the plant wounding response, and to keep the sensor working for years without maintenance.
FloraPulse Enables New Research
Getting 24/7, realtime SWP allows for completely new research. With realtime data, you can see the small fluctuations in water potential during the day; how the crop responds to irrigation, cloudy skies or temperature changes; how water potential behaves during the night and even changes in water potential during plant dormancy in the winter.
Scientifically Validated
“Other companies use different approaches to monitor plant waterstress, but FloraPulse technology gives the most accurate picture”
- Professor Ken Shackel, irrigation expert, UC Davis
Professor Ken Shackel, UC Davis
Why FloraPulse Is Superior To Other Methods
Pressure Chamber
Stem psychrometer
Sap flow sensors
Pressure chamber readings are the current gold standard to determine plant water status. Unfortunately the measurements often depend on the operator (i.e. different users get different results) and the high pressure instrument is a safety hazard. The logistics of the pressure chamber are also painful, and require visiting remote fields with a heavy instrument to take measurements during the hottest part of the day. With these drawbacks, most research can maybe get one measurement a week of uncertain accuracy. You need accurate, automated measurements.
Stem psychrometers have existed for many years now and are a well-known tool to measure stem water potential in a variety of crops. The instrument has a well-understood mechanism of measurement, and can provide accurate measurements when installed and handled correctly. Unfortunately, this instrument is fragile and requires experienced hands for correct installation. Even when installed correctly, the instrument will usually fail after days to weeks due to intrusion of the plant exudates into the measurement chamber, or loss of contact of the thermocouple pair. The instrument further requires expensive electronic equipment to read the microvolt signals.You need an instrument that is accurate for the long run.
​Sap flow meters measure the flux of water through the plant vascular system (xylem), which is difficult to interpret because there is no 'gold standard'. Each tree will have different sap flow readings depending on its own particular trunk structure and this unfortunately means that sap flow needs to be calibrated for each individual plant. In other words, two trees with the same sap flow measurement could have wildly different water status.
The FloraPulse microtensiometer gives you direct measurements of tree water potential, 24/7 every day. Our instrument combines the advantages of the pressure chamber (accurate measurement), without the drawbacks of manual measurement. Our sensors have been developed over 10+ years to work with a variety of crops and provide accurate, realtime measurement of stem water potential.Ask the tree directly if it needs water, and get the most accurate water status data, without the hassle.
​FloraPulse is Validated in Many Crops:
Click here for a list of all valid crops!
Florapulse validated against pressure bomb
Third party researchers have validated FloraPulse against the pressure bomb in almond, grape, and other crops. The measurements agree.
Water potential range: 0 to -35 bar
Resolution: 0.1 bar
Accuracy: ±5% of reading
Sample data: 2+ years of continuous SWP in Napa Valley Cabernet
Mid Day SWP:
Below you can see data from our field trial in a Napa Valley Cabernet field. The sensors have been accurately measuring SWP for over two years and counting. We show the continuous SWP data, the midday SWP data (the lowest value for each day, around 2pm) and the predawn SWP data (the highest value for each day, around 6am)
24/7 Stem Water Potential:
Pre Dawn SWP:
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