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Exciting new for March 2023 from FloraPulse

The FloraPulse Family is Growing

We are excited to announce our FloraPulse family is growing! We added two new full time team members to our staff—Tung in Manufacturing and Maritza as an administrator. Both are enthused to join the team! With the two joining in on the fun, this means shorter lead times, better customer service, and faster shipping.

Walnut Update

With a high demand for water potential measurement in walnut, we are working tirelessly on solutions for this crop. In partnership with UC Davis, FloraPulse sensors are being installed in a new way with promising results. These "heading cut" installs are installed in the plant's pith itself, rather than through the bark (shown here in our franken-tree used for testing installation in the lab). The trials continue this year, but these walnut sensors are not yet commercially available.

Reusable Sensors

Ever wonder if FloraPulse sensors can be reused and reinstalled? Our recent blog post covers our findings on sensor reuse and the recommended method. The resources page has download link for a sensor reuse manuals. Sensor reuse is only recommended for scientists who have the equipment and time to carefully test sensors in the lab after removal.


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