Sample data showing midday SWP vs baseline in an almond orchard over one month. In early June the tree is unstressed (green), then proceeds to dry out to mildly stressed (pink) over the course of a week. Following irrigation events (blue columns), the tree water status recovers for 1-3 days, then begins drying out again.
FloraPulse technology continually monitors stem water potential (SWP) in trees. The Midday plot (shown above) records the driest and warmest point of the day for each plant. This measurement is compared to a fully-irrigated baseline for the plant’s location and the current season, and is presented in color-coded stress ranges specific to the crop.
Downward SWP trends indicate periods of dry-down. The dashboard provides simple guidance on irrigation as shown here (Don’t irrigate), instructing irrigation to occur when SWP measurements are near undesirable stress levels. Irrigation is also monitored and durations are displayed at the bottom of the chart. Following irrigation, an upward recovery trend is observed while the plant soaks in moisture and SWP increases. Then the pattern continues and drying occurs again.
Our hands-free, 24/7 monitoring takes the guesswork out of irrigation and recommends optimal stress levels for each season for proven crops. The result is healthier crops, larger yields, and less water use.